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  • Summer remedies for people: natural support for sunburn, mosquito bites, hangovers and travel sickness

    by Fiona Lane December 06, 2023

    Summer remedies for people: manage mozzies, hangovers, motion sickness and more!

    Summer is upon us, and that means lots of travelling, venturing into the great outdoors and catching up with friends and family. However, for some it also means dealing with sunburn, motion sickness, the aftereffects of a little too much celebrating and the unwanted attention of mozzies, midges and sandflies – not to mention sleeping in unfamiliar and sometimes uncomfortable places.

    If this all sounds familiar, then keep reading for tips and natural remedies for people who want natural support for sunburn, mosquito bites, hangovers, travel sickness and more this summer!

    Sun Management

    Using and regularly reapplying an SPF rated sunscreen, covering up and staying in the shade are the best ways to stay sun safe over summer, but if you’d like an extra layer of support with your sun management regime, then why not give our newest remedy a try!

    It’s called Sol Plus for People. This groundbreaking natural remedy uses nature to help manage the effects of the sun's rays by taking the same mechanism that we see with oral medications such as tetracycline and acne drugs that increase burn risk, but in reverse. To use, simply dose directly onto the tongue at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors, then take a top-up dose every 1-2 hours – we recommend adding the remedy to your drink bottle to make top-up dosing even easier – especially for kids!

    It is important to remember that our Sol Plus for People is not an SPF rated sunscreen, so it should be used alongside SPF rated products as part of your sun safe regime. If you'd like to know more about Sol Plus for People, read these FAQs,

    Repelling mozzies and biting bugs

    If you’re a mosquito magnet but don’t like dousing yourself in chemicals or strong smelling, oily lotions then this remedy is for you. A couple of pumps on your tongue before heading outdoors, then a top up dose every hour or so is all it takes to repel mosquitos, sandflies and midges. This clever remedy subtly changes your body odour so bugs no longer see you as their next meal. Not only is our natural mosquito repellent for people groundbreaking, it’s also super easy for the whole family to use.

    We can’t guarantee you won’t get bitten, but if you do, dabbing a little bit of our Mozzies Plus remedy onto the bite can help with managing minor swelling and itchiness.

    Managing a hangover

    We all know the sensible ways to prevent the aftereffects of a night out – making sure you eat while drinking, staying hydrated and drinking non-alcoholic drinks in between alcoholic ones. But for those times when best laid plans go out the window, there’s our Hangover Plus remedy for people. This professionally formulated natural remedy supports recovery form symptoms such as nausea, headache, muscle cramps and sensitivity to noise, bright light and certain smells. It’s a great remedy to keep on hand - just in case of course!

    Getting a good night’s sleep

    Sleeping in unfamiliar places can be tough, and the summer heat doesn’t make it any easier! Maintaining your usual sleep routine and schedule and taking your own pillow or blanket with you when travelling can help with feeling more relaxed. You could also try our Sleep Plus remedy for people. It helps with getting to sleep, and for getting back to sleep for those who wake in the night. We recommend keeping it beside the bed for repeat doses throughout the night as needed.

    If your summer break includes sleeping on camp mattresses or lumpy spare beds then some light stretching before bed and when you wake up in the morning can help alleviate stiffness. You can also try our Backs Plus remedy – take a dose before an activity that is likely to lead to back pain such as sleeping on camp stretchers or airbeds, and dose again in the morning if you feel minor discomfort or stiffness. We also make Knees Plus for people and Joints Plus for people for support with minor discomfort caused by all those outdoor summer activities.

    Hay Fever and allergies

    Travelling to new environments can trigger allergies – from the pollen of unfamiliar plants to dusty accommodation. For those with sensitive noses – or those with pets who have visitors with sensitive noses - we have a range of non-sedating natural remedies for people that can provide support – there’s Hay Fever Plus, Dust Allergy, Cat Allergy, Allergy To Dogs Plus and a remedy for those allergic to horses.

    Travel and Motion Sickness for People

    If focusing on the horizon or winding down the windows for fresh air isn’t enough to alleviate motion sickness for you or those you travel with, then give our Travel Well – People remedy a try. It can be used for motion sickness caused by all forms of travel – road, rail, sea, and air - is 100% natural, non-sedating, and safe for people of all ages, including those who are pregnant or driving. This remedy helps to provide relief when motion sickness strikes, and can also be used as a preventative if you’re approaching a part of the journey you know will be challenging.  

    For those that experience swelling while travelling or during hot weather, there’s our brand new Puffiness Plus – People remedy which supports a natural immune response to minor swelling particularly around the ankles.

    Travel and Motion Sickness For Pets

    Pets can also experience motion sickness and travel anxiety. Getting them familiar with their carrier by doing short trips beforehand can help them feel less anxious, and taking breaks along the way, especially before a challenging part of the journey, for them to stretch and relax can help to stave off motion sickness. If you’ve tried all those things and still have a pet that gets anxious before travelling, or experiences motion sickness while travelling, then our BioPet Travel Well could help.

    For best results give the first dose as soon as your pet realises they will be travelling, then another dose just before you set off. If you see signs of motion sickness such as drooling, whining or panting, given them another dose. We also recommend giving an additional dose of BioPet Travel Well as a preventative before tackling a particularly windy or stressful part of the journey. 

    Leaving pets behind

    Some pets experience separation anxiety when left at home, or in a kennel or cattery. Our Feeling Lonely remedy is formulated for the specific psychological and physical response animals have to separation, while our BioPet Relax is an all-round, every day calmative. Both are dosed via the water bowl so are easy for house sitters or kennel & cattery staff to administer. You can read more about summer pet health tips for sun, skin & travel in this blog post.

    First Aid for bumps, bruises and minor grazes

    We created this remedy to help the equestrian community manage the bumps and bruises that go hand in hand with horse-riding, but First Aid Plus is a good all round remedy for any first aid kit to assist with a natural immune response to minor bumps, bruises, cuts and grazes, and to support healing.

    General Disclaimer

    Always follow dosing instructions. Our remedies are formulated to support the natural immune system of people, horses, pets, and livestock. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried a person or animal may be in pain or suffering please contact your doctor or veterinarian. While our people remedies are safe for children, we recommend keeping them out of reach to ensure dosing frequency is closely managed.


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