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Horse & Rider
  • Competition Safe Remedies for you and your Horse

  • Rider Hope Beerling with her healthy horse
  • Natural Remedies for Cats & Dogs

    by Fiona Lane July 12, 2021

    Natural Remedies for Cats & Dogs

    You may already love our remedies for horses, but did you know we also make natural remedies for cats, dogs and other pets too? Our customers often ask us if they can use their Equine remedies on their other four-legged friends – and while the answer is sometimes ‘Yes’ there are other times when a pet specific remedy is the best option.

    While the ingredients and potency are often the same, the dosing can differ by species. And of course, there are remedies that are very animal specific – because a horse is never going to need Hairballs Plus or our Anal Glands remedy (thank goodness!)

    Here’s a rundown of our most popular natural remedies for cats, dogs and other household pets, and some tips for dosing difficult dogs and even the most ferocious felines!

    Pets that need help Keeping Calm

    Our best-selling calming range for horses is available for pets too! We created Fireworks Angel for pets for owners who felt terrible leaving their pets at home knowing they’d panic if there were sudden noises or flashes from fireworks or storms. A couple of pumps of this remedy in the water bowl means your pet will self-medicate each time they take a drink, and you can relax knowing they’re being supported when you can’t be there. If you already use our Fireworks Angel for Horses, it’s important to note our equine remedy will be too strong and potent for your cat or dog.

    We also make BioPet Relax (the pet version of Chilled Out Horse) for animals that need ongoing support from anxiety, stress, grief or compulsive behaviour and BioPet Courage which is similar to our Spook Buster remedy for horses.

    Pets with Sore Joints and Arthritis

    BioPet Joints supports the immune system’s response to arthritic inflammation and stiffness and targets the calcification within arthritic joints. It can be used alongside medicines prescribed by your vet and is safe to use daily, long term without any side effects.

    If you already have our Joints Plus for your horse, then you can safely use it in your pets’ water bowl as well. You may be surprised to know we also make two versions of this remedy for people with painful or inflamed hips or arthritic knees too!  

    Pets with Poor Appetite or a Need to Gain Weight

    Hippo Conditioning Tonic – Pets helps cats and dogs of all life stages that struggle to gain weight, are poorly nourished or refusing food. Unlike supplements, this remedy supports the uptake of minerals and vitamins from the food your pet is already eating to assist with building condition and healthy bones, teeth and coats. If you already use our Conditioning Tonic for horses then you can use it on your pets too.

    Pets that need Sun Protection

    We often get asked if we have anything to help pink skinned dogs or cats with white ears and noses that are prone to sunburn. The answer is Yes! Our Hippo Sol Plus – Pets is a firm favourite of the white English Bull Terrier fans. Bull terriers are known for their love of sunbathing but their fine coat and lack of pigmentation need careful management. Taking an oral remedy for sun management may sound unscientific until you consider that many prescription tablets like antibiotics and acne medications carry warnings to avoid sunlight as they make a person more susceptible to bad sunburn. Our remedy uses the same mechanism, just in reverse! Click here for more info about how our remedy works.

    Other Remedies for Pets

    We’ve got lots of remedies under both our BioPet and Hippo Health brands for pets of all kinds – dogs, cats, birds and even kids – all made right here at Hippo HQ.

    Take a look at our whole range or if you have specific needs, message us as we’re always happy to help!

    Dosing your Challenging Cat or Difficult Dog

    Our remedies are designed to be dosed orally in a water trough or bowl or on food where they start working as soon as they come into contact with a mucous membrane like the tongue or lips. In theory this makes dosing easy, unless you have a particularly tricky pet!

    Dosing a cat

    This can be notoriously difficult and there are many of us with the scars to prove it! Here at Hippo HQ we have spent years working on this challenge and we believe our remedies have an almost 100% dose-ability rating with our feline friends. Here are some dosing methods that we know work!

    • Add 1 pump of remedy to their water bowl daily
    • Add 1 pump of remedy on their food twice a day
    • Put 1-2 pumps of remedy on your finger than dab it on their chin, lips or cheek for them to lick off.
    • Put 1-2 pumps onto your finger then dab it on top of a paw for them to lick off (this was the method that worked best for my large-fanged Ginger Ninja).
    • Add a pump of remedy to a small amount of gravy or milk on a saucer (note that this small amount of milk is tolerated by most cats).
    • Ask us to swap the pump dispenser for a spray, then mist the dose above their head for them to inhale.
    • Warning: This one is for the really dose-averse cat! Dampen a cotton ball with warm water then add a pump of remedy. At an opportune moment dab the cotton ball on their anus. I’ve only had to use this method once when the afore mentioned Ginger Ninja ran inside with a bee sting attached to his eye lid and a face like a gargoyle. The dose of First Aid on his bottom worked so quickly the swelling had gone down by the time I’d found the cat cage to rush him to the vet.

    Dosing a Dog

    This is so much easier! Our remedies are naturally sweet, so dogs LOVE the taste – so much so that many view their dose as a treat! If for some strange reason you have a dog that doesn’t like our remedies, we’d recommend putting the dose on a treat or piece of dog food because dogs aren’t the culinary connoisseurs that cats tend to be!

    If you’re not sure if a remedy is right for your pet, have questions about a specific condition or issue or would love to see a new remedy added to our horse or pet ranges, let us know! We’re experts at finding innovative solutions to health issues that trouble our much-loved pets and horses. 


    General Disclaimer



    Always follow dosing instructions. Our remedies are formulated to support the natural immune system of horses, pets, and livestock. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried an animal may be in pain or suffering please contact your veterinarian.




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