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  • Competition Safe Remedies for you and your Horse

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  • LamiPrev for horses prone to laminitis

    Rated 4.9 out of 5
    Based on 72 reviews

    LamiPrev supports horses who are prone to episodes of laminitis. It is also suitable for use alongside veterinary care after high-risk incidents such as grain gorging.

    A professionally formulated oral remedy that promotes a normal immune response in horses.

    Safe, non-toxic & 100% natural.

    Competition & Racing safe (not swab-able).

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    When to Dose

    As a preventative, start dosing before you expect a flush of lush new grass growth as you’ll need to allow two weeks for this remedy to build up in your horse’s system. Each horse should be dosed based on their susceptibility to laminitis so this remedy is not suitable for adding to the water trough.

    How to Dose

    Dosing frequency is dependent on how susceptible your horse is to laminitis and the risk factors present, such as lush grass. Monitor closely if you choose to increase grazing time. As risk factors decrease, reduce dosing frequency to a level that suits your horse. Stop dosing completely when the grass has died back.

    For a gorging incident, give 2 pumps into the mouth (or 5mls orally via syringe) every 15-30 minutes for up to 4 doses, then spread the doses out to every 2 hours. We recommend consulting your veterinarian.

    90 ml Pump Bottle

    Give 2 pumps into the mouth or on a small piece of food that wont absorb it, like carrot or apple twice a day for 3 weeks then once a day. As risk factors decrease, reduce dosing frequency to a suitable level. Many horses manage on 2 doses a week.

    90 ml Pump Bottle = 230 doses (2 pumps per dose)

    Bottles are made from food grade aluminium with a hygienic serum pump lid and over cap.

    Jerry Can Dosing

    This remedy is not suitable for dosing via the water trough.

    Feed Dosing – add ½ capful (12ml) or ½ pump - on to feed twice daily. As risk factors decrease, reduce dosing frequency to a suitable level. Many horses manage on 2 doses a week.

    1 litre = 40 days continuous cover dosing on feed (twice daily).

    Our robust jerry cans are made from food grade plastic.

    Product Features

    * All remedies have a shelf life of 2 years

    * Safe, non-toxic ingredients

    * Safe to use alongside prescription medications

    * Competition and Racing safe (not swab-able)

    * Safe for pregnant and lactating mares

    * Alcohol free

    More Information

    For horses who are already experiencing an episode of laminitis, try our 100% natural LamATK oral remedy.

    Oral remedies need to make contact with a mucous membrane such as the tongue, gums or lips. Read our blog to find out more about oral dosing.

    General Disclaimer

    Our remedies are formulated to support the natural immune system of horses, pets and livestock. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried an animal may be in pain or suffering please contact your veterinarian.

    Made in New Zealand. 100% Natural and Non-toxic. Homeopathic Preparation.

    Contains equal parts of: Calc-carb, Carbo-vegetalis, Chelidonium  Graphites, Nux-vomica, Lycopodium clavatum 
    Base: Vegetable glycerine & purified water

    Laminitis is an inflammatory condition that often appears during Spring and Autumn when the grass is lush and green. Rain increases the level of soluble carbohydrate in grass and clover which, when ingested, can cause metabolic changes to the blood that flows to the laminae – the tissues that connect the hoof wall to the coffin bone inside the hoof. The laminae then swells and, if not treated, can start to weaken causing permanent damage. Once a horse has had laminitis, they are prone to the condition recurring, which is why prevention of this painful condition is important.

    Heavy breeds or horses that are overweight can be prone to laminitis. Particularly prone can be those horses with hormonal imbalance conditions such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) or Cushing’s disease. For some horses, the large amounts of adrenaline and corticosteriods they produce when under stress can also contribute to onset. However the most common cause is excessive consumption of the starches and sugars present in rich, lush pasture or grain-based feed.

    Normally these carbohydrates are easily digested in the small intestine, however if the digestive system becomes overloaded – such as after gorging – the undigested feed moves through to the hindgut which is where the problem starts. The hindgut often doesn’t contain the right enzymes to digest feed and so produces lactic acid. This kills off the good bacteria resulting in production of a toxin which passes into the bloodstream, finding it’s way to the laminae where it causes the condition we know as laminitis.

    The onset of laminitis can be surprisingly quick. It usually affects the front feet causing the horse to rock back onto their heels as they try to relieve discomfort by shifting their weight. The front feet will often feel excessively hot and have a strong pulse which can be felt at the back of the fetlock.

    Overweight horses have a higher risk of developing laminitis so managing their weight through feed, particularly over the winter months, is a good preventative measure.

    Restricting access to lush green pastures, particularly later in the afternoon when the grass contains the most sugar, is also important. New grass can also contain a lot of sugar, so even a small amount of new grass in an otherwise bare paddock is worth watching out for. It's often recommended to feed horses prone to laminitis a diet high in fat and fibre and low in sugars.

    Our LamiPrev oral remedy can also help by supporting digestion of the starches in grass and feed, providing a head start against a laminitis attack. Dosing starts two weeks before new grass growth is expected and continues through until grass has died back.

    Laminitis doesn’t go away on its own, so treating this condition is essential. In the first instance, box rest and close management of their diet and feed is essential. Soaking hay to remove some of the carbohydrate and giving feed that is high in fat and fibre and low in sugar is commonly recommended.

    Managing any pain and discomfort is also important, so talk to your vet if this is acute or you have any concerns. For minor discomfort, try our LamATK remedy. It’s professionally formulated to support a normal immune response to the symptoms of laminitis, and is safe to use alongside any treatment or medication your vet might prescribe. 

    The information provided in these FAQs serves only as general information and we encourage you to work closely with your medical practitioner or veterinarian for professional advice.