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Horse & Rider
  • Competition Safe Remedies for you and your Horse

  • Rider Hope Beerling with her healthy horse
  • Get Holiday Ready: Six Essential Remedies To Care For Dogs & Cats

    by Fiona Lane December 02, 2024

    A blog post featuring six essential natural remedies from Hippo Health for cats and dogs who travel with their owners, need to go into kennels or catteries or stay home without their owners.

    Holidays are something we humans look forward to, but for our pets this can mean an unsettling period of change. Whether they’re staying in a boarding kennel or cattery, being cared for at home, or travelling with you, a little bit of preparation can make all the difference to their comfort and wellbeing. From boosting immune health to managing kennel cough, separation anxiety, and travel worries, our range of natural remedies, like Cough KC and Feeling Lonely can help to keep your pets happy and healthy.

    Boarding Kennel & Cattery Stays

    Even for pets familiar with boarding kennels or catteries, being separated from their favourite places and humans can be a challenge. Unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells, coupled with the presence of other animals, can make this experience stressful.

    Boosting Immunity Before They Go

    If you’re planning a kennel or cattery stay for your pet, you could consider using our Immune Plus – Pets to help boost their immunity. We recommend dosing twice a day in the week leading up to their stay.

    Separation Anxiety

    Some pets need help adjusting to being without you or being in a new environment. Our Feeling Lonely remedy supports pets experiencing separation anxiety and can be used for longer stays at a kennel or cattery, or for shorter periods such as a vet stay or being home alone for the day. Dosing via the water bowl or on food makes it easy for the team at the kennel or cattery to administer – even to cats!

    Kennel Cough & Cat Flu

    Kennel cough is common, highly contagious upper respiratory infection that can spread quickly through kennels or doggy daycares. Symptoms include a dry, hacking cough, loss of appetite, lethargy and sometimes a nasal discharge. While not life threatening, kennel cough can be distressing. Our Cough KC remedy supports a normal immune response to these symptoms, helping dogs recover naturally.

    For cats, a cattery stay can lead to cat flu - an upper respiratory infection with symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, loss of appetite and a fever. Cat Flu Plus supports a healthy immune response, providing some relief for cats experiencing these symptoms.

    Leaving Your Dog or Cat At Home

    Staying at home means your pet is surrounded by their favourite smells and toys, but they’ll still miss their favourite humans! Even with a caring pet feeder or house sitter, your pet will experience a change in routine that can leave them feeling anxious, especially if they are used to someone being home most of the time.

    General Anxiety

    For pets who might feel anxious about a new carer or routine, there’s our BioPet Relax remedy – an all-round calmative that can help to take the edge off. We recommend dosing starts about a week before you plan to leave your pet at home and continues until you return. As dosing is via the water bowl or on food, this remedy is easy for your house sitter or pet feeder to administer.

    Separation Anxiety

    If you’re worried your pet will pine while you are away, try dosing with our Feeling Lonely remedy. It’s formulated to support cats and dogs who are experiencing feelings of separation, so it’s perfect for pets missing their humans or coping with change.

    Travelling with Your Dog or Cat

    While some pets enjoy travel, others find it stressful. Motion sickness or anxiety can very quickly take the fun out of travel for everyone!

    Motion Sickness

    Motion sickness is often linked to the inner ear and can present differently in dogs and cats. Dogs may drool excessively, lick their lips, whine or be restless, while cats can be lethargic and vomit or experience diarrhoea. If your pet is prone to motion sickness try using our BioPet Travel Well. Dose before departure then provide top up doses as needed, especially before windy roads or long stretches of travel.

    Travel Anxiety

    Sometimes, travel-related distress stems from anxiety rather than physical discomfort. Signs of travel anxiety include resistance to entering carriers or vehicles, excessive vocalisation, panting or soiling themselves. Dosing with BioPet Travel Well as soon as your pet realises they will be travelling, then again just before departure can help to ease their nerves and make the journey less stressful for everyone. You can also provide top up doses during the trip if anxiety continues. Regular use may even help your pet associate travel with positive experiences, reducing anxiety over time.

    Fun fact: we make a version of this remedy for people too!

    Oral Dosing Tips

    All our remedies are given orally, making it easy for kennel or cattery staff, house sitters or pet feeders to dose - even for cats! Adding a remedy to the water bowl is the simplest method, for most remedies, however for Travel Well top ups you may need to dose directly into the mouth or onto a favourite treat. You can read more dosing tips for dogs and cats here.


    With a little bit of preparation, your holiday can be stress-free for both you and your pet! Whether travelling together, staying home with a sitter, or heading to a kennel or cattery, remedies like BioPet Travel Well, Feeling Lonely, and Immune Plus – Pets can help your dog or cat feel calm, supported, and cared for while Cough KC and Cat Flu Plus can provide support for pets that come home feeling under the weather.


    General Disclaimer

    Always follow dosing instructions. Our remedies are formulated to support the natural immune system of horses, pets, and livestock. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried an animal may be in pain or suffering please contact your veterinarian.

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